Kasauli Castle Resort, Kasauli
Kimmughat, Kasauli, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh - 173201 , India
Kimmughat, Kasauli, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh - 173201 , India
The Hotel Kasauli Castle, Kausali, offers conveniences that are designed to offer maximum comfort to its guests with quality services. It offers Wi-Fi, car rental, power backup, parking facility, credit cards accepted, lawns and many more. During their leisure time, guests can play various indoor and outdoor games at the hotel.Foodies are in for a treat at the in-house multi-cuisine restaurant that serves lip-smacking delicacies. Stocking a collection of choicest beverages, the on-site bar is an ideal place to relax and unwind after a hectic day of activities.The conferencing and banqueting space available at the hotel are ideal for organizing business and social events.The rooms are spacious, comfortable and contemporary. They offer balconies where guests can relax in the sun and fresh air. They are equipped with all standard amenities to make stay pleasurable for travelers. The guestrooms come with well appointed bathrooms having hot and cold water facility.The hotel is located at a distance of 1.6 km from Bus Station Kasauli and 24.6 km Kalka Railway Station. The nearest airport to the region is Chandigarh Airport. The guests can visit places like Sunset Point(3.3 km), Monkey Point(4.8 km) and many more. Known for natural beauty, serenity, peaceful surroundings and its cool weather, Kasauli attracts a huge number of tourists every year.Have a nice stay at Hotel Kasauli Castle!
Fax: 00971-04-2292803
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